Simply Blessed Collection

Simply Blessed Collection

The Simply Blessed Collection brings a touch of elegance and gratitude to your home with its beautiful floral bouquet design in pinks, lavenders, and lush greenery. This charming collection features a range of items including coffee mugs, greeting cards, trivets, coasters, magnets, drinkware, pillows, journals, towels, and aprons. Each piece is thoughtfully crafted to inspire a sense of thankfulness and grace in your everyday life. Whether you're sipping your morning coffee, jotting down notes in a journal, or adding a decorative touch to your kitchen, the Simply Blessed Collection reminds you to cherish life's simple blessings. Perfect for gifting or for treating yourself, these items are a delightful way to add a positive message and floral beauty to any space.

Simply Blessed Large Shoppers Tote Bag, Shoulder Bag,
$ 24.99

Simply Blessed Large Shoppers Tote Bag, Shoulder Bag,


Simply Blessed with options to use this versatile large shoppers tote, the farmers market, the beach or out in town. Made from reliable materials, ...

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$ 24.99