Simply Blessed Collection

Simply Blessed Collection

The Simply Blessed Collection brings a touch of elegance and gratitude to your home with its beautiful floral bouquet design in pinks, lavenders, and lush greenery. This charming collection features a range of items including coffee mugs, greeting cards, trivets, coasters, magnets, drinkware, pillows, journals, towels, and aprons. Each piece is thoughtfully crafted to inspire a sense of thankfulness and grace in your everyday life. Whether you're sipping your morning coffee, jotting down notes in a journal, or adding a decorative touch to your kitchen, the Simply Blessed Collection reminds you to cherish life's simple blessings. Perfect for gifting or for treating yourself, these items are a delightful way to add a positive message and floral beauty to any space.

Simply Blessed Notecard by Moss Rose Designs
$ 4.99

Simply Blessed Notecard by Moss Rose Designs

Moss Rose Designs

Heavy linen textured paper 4.25 x 5.5  Blank interior Moss Rose Designs

$ 4.99